• Question: Without Science, Where do you think we’ll be? Would our lives change without Science?

    Asked by Patrick.Caparas1 to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily on 4 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Hugh Manning

      Hugh Manning answered on 4 Nov 2018:

      I think our lives would change a huge amount without science.
      Science is knowledge about the natural world that is based on facts learned through experiments and observation. Science is understanding the world around us, if we never had science there would be nothing to separate us from other animals! Without science we wouldn’t have controlled fire, we would be stuck in the stone age, we’d be very primitive and probably be living like apes!

    • Photo: Triona

      Triona answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      I think we cannot be without it. It is all around us. Understanding it better means we can advance. I think without continued scientific study, our lives would change. If we were to stop all scientific work as we know it today, we would not find more cures for cancer, we would not work out how to feed the growing world population, we would not work out how to counteract climate change/global warming. While advances in science has caused difficulties, it also provides the solutions!

    • Photo: Simone

      Simone answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Science is the only way we have to understand all that is happening around us (and even inside us!), our world and our universe.

      It is based on facts that always happen at the same conditions, giving results that are repeatable. Because of that we can guess how things will be happening and how they will be working. And we can use this understanding of our world to make tools to help us in all of our tasks.

      The direct consequence of science is technology. Without science we wouldn’t have all of our tools, which are one of the main characteristics that distinguish us from the other animals. From the simplest harvesting tools to our modern day sophisticated devices like computers, cars, planes, mobile phones…

      Without science we couldn’t even be here asking this question online, connecting each other through the internet.

      We would be helpless towards even the now easily defeated diseases, and weather conditions, and would not be able even to travel and see different places of our beautiful planet.

    • Photo: Kieran

      Kieran answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Science is important to help humans adapt to the ever changing environment in which we live. We will need to develop new technologies in the future to fight against climate change and natural disasters to create a sustainable planet. We have learned to adapt for thousands of years which has allowed for humans to evolve and become smarter. We must continue to evolve if we are to survive
