• Question: do you think scientists will ever cure cancer

    Asked by Dalta 18 to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily on 9 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by dalta 7.
    • Photo: Triona

      Triona answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      Yes, scientists are finding news ways to cure sufferers of cancer. It is no longer an automatic death sentence. There are many curable cancers already.

    • Photo: Kieran

      Kieran answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      There are new treatments becoming available all the time for different cancers. We’re also getting much better at detecting cancers in the body when they’re still very small and we can treat them early!

      Scientists are even making vaccines to prevent getting certain cancers in the first place! it was always best to prevent disease rather than treat it!
